Southeastern Colorado Regional Emergency and Trauma Advisory Council

Russ Watson, Director - EMS

Shellie Engelhardt, Director - Emergency Management

Jody Stolzenberger, Kiowa County Hospital District

Donald Oswald, Board of County Commissioners


Southern & Southeastern Colorado Regional Emergency and Trauma Advisory Council (SCRETAC/SECRETAC) regions are made up of eleven counties within southern and southeastern Colorado - Custer, Fremont, Huerfano, Las Animas, Pueblo, Baca, Bent, Crowley, Kiowa, Otero, and Prowers.

The SCRETAC & SECRETAC Advisory Boards are made up of a group of county commissioner-appointed individuals who volunteer their time to support the EMS and Trauma System. Each of the individuals deserves recognition in their ongoing dedication and commitment in improving EMS and Trauma Care of the sick and injured citizens within the SCRETAC & SECRETAC regions.

Click on the link below to be redirected to the Southern & Southeastern Colorado Regional EMS and Trauma Advisory Council website.

Southern & Southeastern Colorado Regional EMS and Trauma Advisory Council


Contact Information:


603 Main Street, Ordway, CO 81063

Phone: (719) 248-3978  Email: scretac5@gmail.com