Region Six Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Co. Alcohol and Drug Treatment Services

Dennis Pearson, Director - Department of Human Services

Brian Williams, Sheriff, Kiowa County

A non-profit corporation, founded in 1977, Region Six Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Co. Alcohol and Drug Treatment Services (RESADA), is owned by Baca, Bent, Crowley, Kiowa, Otero, and Prowers counties and is situated in southeast Colorado.

Mission Statement:

RESADA exists to assist individuals affected by substance use issues, problems, and concerns by offering a clean and safe environment while fostering progress, enriching lives, and enhancing the recovery process. We understand addiction is an illness and strive to provide recovery tools that help overcome and strengthening of the mind, body and spirit. we believe that continued sobriety is a life-long struggle and seek to assist individuals to find life-long alternatives and sober living options.


Click on the link below to be redirected to the RESADA Drug and Alcohol Treatment Facility website.

RESADA Drug and Alcohol Treatment Facility


Contact Information:


P.O. Box 162, Las Animas, CO 81054

Phone: (719) 456-2600  Fax: (719) 456-2606

Physical Address:

11000 County Road GG.5, Las Animas, CO 81054

For GPS, use:

220 Country Club Dr., Las Animas, CO 81054